Summer is fast approaching and we have already had devasting fires in Queensland and NSW even before the official season has begun. If this is what it’s like in Spring, then surely that is a sign of more ominous times to come.
A sign of the times is that each year is the same. Australia is experiencing more and more drought-like conditions in the cooler months which leaves fire prone areas tinder-dry heading into the heat of the summer.
With our suburbs continuing to develop into bushfire zone areas, it’s not a case of should you have a plan, but you must have a plan for you and your family, should a fire ever threaten your home.
NSW have a website https://www.myfireplan.com.au/ to encourage and assist with working out a fire plan for you.
There are practical things you can do for home preparedness for the hot temperatures to come.
- Trim away any branches and overhanging trees or shrubs that are close to your home.
- Keep your outside areas clear of any combustible materials – clear away door mats, wood piles, paint, leaves and even outdoor furniture.
- Clear out combustible leaves and debris from your roof’s gutters and areas around your home – those leaves that build up at the garage entrance and near fence lines on your property.
- Make sure your hoses will reach around your home and are in good working condition before the season sets in.
- Install Cleverseal Cinderseal brush door seals on your garage door. Burning embers can set your home on fire. Cleverseal has a range of flame-retardant seals that have been specifically developed for protection against ember attack for most Australian garage doors.
Cleverseal Cinderseal flame retardant bristle brush seals, contain UV stabilisers, which prevent the brush from weathering, by deflecting heat and light. Bristle brush filaments self-extinguish when ember contact is made. Cleverseal Cinderseal can reduce airflow into your garage by 96% if all four sides are sealed correctly.
Take some time to prepare your home and your family with a plan of what to do if bushfire strikes your location. With a little time taken now to sort out your plan if disaster were to strike you are giving you and your family the best chance of survival should you be threatened by fire.